An Inside Job

Saturday, May 29, 2010

And She Rises!

A great story has unfolded thanks to the many friends on the internet.

The Water Goddess, Yemaya, Gaia, Nimue, Lady of the Lake, Mother Mary, Jesus Returned or by any other name you choose is finished.

This may sound arrogant or perhaps even a little over the top. But here goes. "I have painted a "masterpiece". I finished the Water Goddess. I Signed my name and have been sitting with her for a couple of hours and am mesmerized. She is beautiful.

I have been painting off and on for about 25 years. Really never had the time to put the energy I wanted to into it. I have pages and pages of ideas that I've never been able to develop. Now as I don't have much else to do and for reasons I won't get into I paint and write and paint some more.

My masterpiece started off as a male figure in my mind, like a sage or maybe a wise one. The original drawings were actually of a man. I could see the figure rising out of the water in the Burrard Inlet in Vancouver. I could see it in my mind a figure emerging slowly as I sat on the bench at Lonsdale Quay contemplating where I have been and where I am going next. .

As the painting went on, it went from male to androgynous and eventually to female. And as I look at the progress pictures she actually looked pregnant for a bit. Now she appears to be holding something, like holding a baby.
Many people have commented through face book, my blog and through email about what they see as the painting has progressed. Some saw it as the returning Jesus, some Mother Mary.

Duane Burnett, photojournalist on the Sunshine Coast suggested it is Gaia. He went on to explain there was not one live starfish in the Burrard Inlet and that the great Gaia is really peod because we are killing all of her creatures. She is rising up to show her displeasure. It is the Wrath of Gaia.

A couple of friends saw her representing the street women of Vancouver who have recently risen and formed a militant group protesting the Olympics and trying to bring awareness to the women who have been murdered on hwy here in BC known as the Highway of Tears. She actually looked quite sad and broken at the time. Her eyes were still closed. I remember looking at the painting and thinking she better wake up and spent the next couple of days redoing her face so she could have eyes open.

And Her Eyes Opened! And suddenly she could see!

Once her eyes were opened several named her the Water Goddess, others saw her as Yemajá, Virgin de Regla or the Black Madonna (she was very dark at one time) and a couple see her as the Lady of the Lake coming from Camelot. Mother Mary and Nimue and many other honorable names have been given to her. 

One of my biggest challenges was trying to decide what race she was. In the beginning she had very a very pale porcelain skin tone. I changed that and she looked very oriental and then Indian and even had a small flame in her forehead. I love painting in oils as it is easy to make changes. Then I decided to honor my native heritage and she became First Nations and there was a thought to paint a feather hanging from her right ear. Nothing seemed to be quite what I was looking for. Then I lighten the skin tone a bit and noticed I had managed to create a lady of many races. Sometimes I see her with one of the previous skin tones, it is like a trick of the mind.

Perhaps she is all of these things. I don't really know. All I do know is that she is beautiful today.

And for some odd reason I just want to enjoy her for a wee bit .

Feb 20, 2010 we went for a walk today. Just to the park next door. Victoria Park. Sat on the bench for a bit. A 3 year old stood looking at the painting and commented, "She needs to get out of the water." When I asked him why he said that he said she doesn't need to be there. I am always amazed at the wisdom of children. I walked through the park for a bit with my painting in hand. It is such a beautiful day. The sun shone brightly I had forgot my water bottle so headed across the street to the local convenience store. The owner of the store is always so sweet to me. She looked at the painting with wide eyes and said at first she thought it was Jesus, then the Virgin Mary. I put the painting down and she contemplated it for a bit and announced "it is you!"

Heading back towards the park this man starts running towards me."I need to talk to you." I stopped and waiting for him. He had this big grin on his face. “I was driving down Lonsdale and saw you and your painting. I turned around and came to find you. You need to not let it be in the sun, it will change the colours." he went on to tell me he is a house painter and knows paint and art needs to be viewed from a distance and protected from UV. I attempted to get a business card or to give him mine but he declined and as quickly as he appeared he went on his way.
Back home we went. I noticed that one of the edges on the painting was still a bit tacky and was wearing a pretty blue spot on my new pants. Think she needs to sit and dry a bit more before going out.

And the Telephone repair man spends an hour sitting on the floor fixing my lines. A few feet away is the Goddess. He does not see her at all. He actually doesn't see any 20 paintings on the wall. He is very sweet and courteous and does a great job fixing everything and assuring me he was available at his personal phone number if I had any further problems in the next week.

And the Landlord comes to check on the work of the repair man. She stands in front of the painting and sees Jesus returning as a woman and then she sees an East Asian woman "something like their Goddesses".

Fee 22: Toney Brooks, retired broadcaster and author, writes on my blog: "Water is symbolic of the Universal Womb. Emerging from water, this lady announces herself as a type of Great Mother goddess.
The universality of her message may be emphasized by Vancouver, host of the Winter Olympics, a gathering of nations. Winter itself promises spring rebirth. In this regard, the painting is prophetic -- she is depicted emerging, soon to rise above the water with unfolded arms beckoning to all.
She may be the Lady of All Nations ("formerly known as Mary," to cite her own words). This prophecy/apparition dates to the 50s in Holland. To fully understand her message, and her, one first must reinterpret the Catholic, and to a lesser extent, the Christian wrappings and presumptions.
Both in the painting and the prophecy, she herself is in transformation from Mary to the more inclusive Lady of All Nations.
She speaks of a Oneness transcending religious dogmas that often divide and oppress her children. She speaks of a post-Christian, post-dogmatic conceptualization of the Great Mother goddess, a quite controversial notion.
In short, the Lady of All Nations may manifest the long anticipated return of the Sacred Feminine. We should be glad of it."

Feb 22 Naval Langa, Writer of Fine Art of the World from Ahmedabad, India writes two dynamic articles on The Lady –

 American Artist Painting Master Pieces

How to Paint a Masterpiece

Ellora Saray, from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, has written numerous articles on The Water Goddess here are a couple of samples. I was deeply honored Ellora and the women of Brazil embraced the Water Goddess on International Women’s Day.
I want to share with all of you in this WEEK before the INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY (Monday - March 8) some WISE WORDS, LOVING GESTURE, FANTASTIC LIFE STORY and also AMAZING ARTWORK originated from SOULS, MINDS and HANDS of the my sweet friends POWERFUL WOMEN! All my FEMALE friends are true GODDESS of LOVE and LIGHT who came to this planet for to enlighten us with their WISDOM, their LOVINGS HEARTS, their LIFE EXAMPLES and also with their ARTS.


I want to share with you the ARTWORK and a few about the beautiful LIFE STORY by an AMAZING WOMAN! She is @Linda Diane Taylor, a Canadian visual artist who gave us the PRIVILEGE of to enjoy HER MASTER PIECE that she spent 25 years concentrated painting. @Linda Taylor painted in her MASTER PIECE, the WATER’S GODDESS, the GREATER SYMBOL of the LIFE and of the FEMALE FERTILITY, because LIFE begins in the WATERS and is through the FEMALE WOMB (that is FILLED of WATER) that LIFE begins here in our HOME in the WOMB of our MOTHER EARTH (that also is composed of more than 70% of WATER).

Therefore, the MASTER PIECE by @Linda Diane Taylor, for to reveal our WATER’S MOTHER-GODDESS, is the GREATER TRIBUTE to all of we POWERFUL WOMEN: the DONOR’S of HUMAN LIFE here on the PLANET!

Enjoy this MASTERPIECE and let your EYES and SOULS to shine with the LIGHT and the TALENTS this WONDERFUL WOMAN! I am deeply moved by the outpouring of support and comments. Thank you..Elloray Saray

March 16... she looks over Vancouver.. the Olympics are over.. Games so well Done!!

It feels like Vancouver has risen or maybe just acknowledged for her beauty and her strength.

Many of my friends from around the world have complimented our country and I am told the sea of red and white they saw on TV has spread to their countries. “The Canadian Flag is now seen everywhere.”

We put on a great show and not just in the Medals.

We shared the beauty of our landscape and amplified our love for our environment and made it the greenest Olympics ever.

Our First Nations people were not just partners on paper. They were part of the decision making and organizing.  They showed the world the diversity of the Nations through dance, song and unique arts and most of all they showed the world the power of respect and honor.

And when the store keepers were asked by the police to close the sale of alcohol at 2 in the afternoon, they did it without protest.  Some businesses financially suffered yet in talking to some of them they saw it all as a boost to their future.  And the protestors did get to protest showing our tolerace  and our freedom to speak.

And we celebrated our victories with grand parties in the streets, in our small communities and living rooms. There were occasions I felt the earth shake with all the noise and excitement and I live in North Vancouver. And we did all of this without riot showing the world our way of celebrating.

And the Legacy!!

And my Lady is symbolic of my feelings for Vancouver. She has risen. 

See a video of my some of my art:
Prints: High Gloss Photos, Fine Art Prints (giclee) and prints on Canvas are now available on my main website

And Please Tell me what do you SEE!

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